Sunday, October 30, 2011

Heading to Seoul and Kauai

We have returned to KTM and leave today. Trek and travel to the national park were great. Since we have a long layover in Seoul we are trying We are scheduled to meet our guide at a subway station - his tour uses all public transit. We arrive in Kauai on Nov. 1 and will resume posting (with pictures!) then.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bhaktapur and Nagarkot - Oct. 9-12

Maureen joined us on Oct. 9th and we travelled to Bhaktapur, one of three old kingdoms of Nepal (KTM and Pataan being the others). The home stay with Ajaya and his family at Krishna's House was really special. We did lots of hiking around both Bhaktapur and the surrounding countrysides. It continues to amaze me how the Nepalis we have met have welcomed us. We have seen in the villages we have walked through how hard people have to work; we certainly will have no reason to complain about hiking up a few mountains on the trek after seeing what they have to do on a daily basis. In the places we stay and eat, people are very eager to talk and share their thoughts and experiences. We are so fortunate on so many levels.

We went to Nagarkot for a day four first real view of the Himalyan range. It was a good opportunity to test our hiking abilities at 6700 feet. So far, so good. The quiet and peacefulness of Bhaktapur and Nagarkot were a great break from the chaos of KTM.

We returned to the hustle and bustle of KTM yesterday and leave tomorrow for the trek. It is difficult to upload photos so they will wait for later. We will be gone trekking for about 14 days and I will resume posting then.

Kathmandu's Durbar Square - Oct. 8


We visited Durbar Square in KTM, one of a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Kathmandu Valley. The temples and shrines date from the 12th - 18th centuries. It was particularly busy because it was during the major Nepal festival of Daisun, a fifteen day celebration.



Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kathmandu street scenes

Kathmandu is a city like I have never experienced. Very busy and full of sights, sounds and smells that are new to me. I thought I would post a variety of pictures I have taken as we have wandered the streets.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Life out of coach - Oct 6

Great experience flying from Honolulu to Seoul (about 10 hrs) in business class, followed by 6.5 hrs. flying from Seoul to Kathmandu (KTM) in first class - all on points of course. We could get used to this kind of travel very easily. Breakfast in the Incheon Airport in Korea included Jack Daniels, aged scotch along with assorted breakfast foods. The kicker had to be the "toast points" on the tp roll when you used the restroom on the plane.

Mary was listening to BBC news on the flight with a report from their correspondent in Seattle - he referred to Seattle as a "sleepy part of the world". Mary liked a traditional Korean dish for lunch called bibimbap - greens, mushrooms, bean sprouts, ground beef mixed with rice and a hot pepper sauce. I stuck with beef tenderloin followed by a traditional Korean dessert of Haagen Dazs strawberry ice cream. Yum.

Arrival in Nepal - Oct.6

Waiting in line for our visa gave us a good opportunity to chat it up with those around us. Most of the people on the plan are in hiking gear, with lots of top brand name gear evident. The woman in line behind us works for Mercy Corps in Portland and was here to conduct a training with folks from about 30 different countries.

We have arrived during Daisan - the biggest Hindu festival in Nepal.  It is the celebration of the victory of the goddess Durga over the forces of evil personified by the buffalo demon Mahisasura.

We met the taxi from our hotel and rode into town.  Mary kept her eyes closed most of the way.  It was wild - families on motorbikes, cars, everyone beeping and the occasional cow in the roadway.

We arrived at Hotel Moonlight safely about 2 pm and are happy with our accommodations. 

Our hotel is on the outskirts of the Thamel, the tourist district in KTM. Narrow streets, many pedestrians, lots of motorbikes, and cars along with the assorted tiger balm salesman and bikes with crates of apples and bananas.

View from our room.

View from our room



Friday, October 7, 2011

A walk to Swayambhunath Stupa - Oct 7

 A journey to this Buddhist temple is considered by Lonely Planet to be one of the definitive experiences of KTM. The stupa is at the top of a hill so there are great views of the city and the valley. The entire area is full of monkeys.

Walked about an hour to Swayambhunath Stupa, mostly through streets with no other tourists evident.

Walked by a couple slaughtering a goat, and several other goats awaiting their turn.

Lots of prayer wheels which we spun for those of you in need of such assistance. We lit butter lamps for a safe journey.

Monday, October 3, 2011

En route in Waikiki

In the land of umbrella drinks

Diamond Head

Flew to Honolulu yesterday to start our grand adventure.  Leaving tomorrow for a night in Seoul and arriving in Kathmandu (KTM) mid-day October 6th.